We are just two kids.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chloe is here!

Here are some quick pics of our trip to the hospital to start our cute little family. Crystine did an amazing job and it actually went fairly easy and painless... We got put in the training room that the hospital doesn't use unless it is really full, which was the case for us. So we had nurses in the room every once in a while and most of the supplies and equipment needed wasn't in the room either. But things turned out well and Dr. Cope did an awesome job with a bunch of us makeshift nurses. Crystine went in at a six and 7 hours later had our cute little Chloe Crystine Carter. She kind of came out a cone head, but it has since gone down and she is super cute. These aren't the best shots we had considering we had 4 or 5 cameras in the room, but they give you a quick idea. We will post some much more cute ones later. Thanks to everyone for their love and support.


Amber and Dallin said...

Congratulations you two (or three)! We're so excited for you guys!

Kim said...

I can't wait to meet Chloe!

Esteban said...

Congrats! we are so happy for you!

Liz Jessop Wortley said...

Congrats, Tommy and Crystine! We are so happy for you and can't wait to meet sweet, little Chloe! Hope you are enjoying this wonderful time of year with your new little family.

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